Oasis Community Resource Navigators

Oasis is Vashon Island’s social service and resource connections program.  

Oasis is staffed by a bilingual case manager.

 Navigators advocate and work for Islanders and their families by connecting them to resources and social services provided by VYFS and other agencies. Oasis Navigators’ help Island families and individuals gain access to critical services and supports from numerous local, county, state and federal agencies.

Oasis Navigators have the resources and connections to support and empower Island Families.

VYFS provides resource navigators in partnership with The United Methodist Church and the Vashon Food Bank. VYFS holds in-person Navigator office hours at the Food Bank and the church to help customers gain access to critical services and supports.

Oasis Community Navigators are available in person:

  • At the Food Bank on Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm & 3pm to 7pm

  • At the United Methodist Church on Thursdays from 12pm to 3pm

  • Meetings can also be arranged by appointment Monday-Friday:

    • Patricia Banuelos at 206-348-4252

    • Debbie Rieschl at 206-463-5511 ext 225, Monday through Friday.


The primary goal of Oasis Navigators is to help individuals and families find and gain access to the services and resources - on and off-Island - that they need to stabilize and strengthen their position. Families and individuals gain access to a wide range of services and support provided by VYFS and VYFS partner agencies including IFCH, Granny’s Attic, SeaMar, St. Vincent de Paul, VISD, the Community Care Closet, DOVE, King County Public Health and others.

The recently completed Island Needs Assessment specifically calls out insufficient case management on Vashon. Impacted by COVID and the rising cost of living on Vashon, lower income families are struggling on the Island where they have built their lives and support networks. Oasis exists to stabilize, strengthen, and empower these families.

 VYFS Community Resource Navigators are available in person to:

  • Listen and assess needs for each client and then navigate service and support options to help them.

  • Contact VYFS programs and other providers to gain access to specific programs and resources.

  • Enroll individuals in VYFS' Wellness Voucher Program for financial support.

  • Distribute ferry vouchers for off-Island medical appointments.

  • Distribute vouchers for on island medical needs, including prescriptions.

  • Distribute bus tickets.

  • Distribute Granny's gift certificates.

  • Distribute VIGA farm stand dollars.