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Or Scan the QR code to use PayPal.
Planned Giving
Be a part of the Heart!
Consider including VYFS in your estate planning.
ACH Drafts
Also known as Electronic Funds Transfer, allow you to make donations via bank transfer directly from your checking account rather than using credit/debit cards. This option maximizes your donation to support our mission as there are no bank fees.
Life Insurance
You can use your life insurance benefit to continue your giving to VYFS after you’re gone.
Make a charitable bequest to VYFS in your will. This can be contingent upon specifications you choose, such as if one or more of your named beneficiaries fails to survive you, the donor.
With a charitable gift of appreciated securities held long-term, the donation you make and the deduction you get are greater than they would be if you were to sell the shares and donate the cash proceeds. Stocks can have a meaningful impact towards the long-term financial health of VYFS.
Legacy Gifts
Allow you to make a powerful philanthropic legacy, directly impacting the lives of the many islanders that use VYFS resources. Name VYFS as a beneficiary in your retirement plan.
Give Your Way
Give Your Way
Whichever form of giving is right for you, here is the information to give your attorney or financial advisor:
Vashon Youth & Family Services, a nonprofit charitable organization on Vashon Island, WA, located at 20110 Vashon Hwy SW, Vashon, WA 98070
Tax ID# 90-1025994
Questions? Reach out to us: 206-463-5511